Special Song For Fiza Johari

You’re getting mad again
You’re making this hard
Do I seem easy because of my good looks?
I fell for you but I wish I’d resemble only half of your personality
In other words, you’re a bad girl, you’re mean but I’m attracted

You have quite a temper
But I like that
You look prettier when you get mad
With your fair (and beautiful face)
From your lips (your cherry-like, strawberry-like lips)
Such harsh words (but that’s your charm, can’t deny it)
Come out
With your fair (and beautiful face)
With your two eyes (those lake-like, gem-like eyes)
You’re glaring at me like you’ll kill me, you’re staring me down
I think I’ll go crazy
I’m being dragged again
When I think about it, it’s your fault
But it’s weird, I apologize first, it’s so unfair
I don’t know either, I just like you, what to do?
You’re like cola, you’re more refreshing the more I meet you
You have quite a temper
But I can accept that
That temper is so beautiful
With your fair (and beautiful face)
From your lips (your cherry-like, strawberry-like lips)
Such harsh words (but that’s your charm, can’t deny it)
Come out
With your fair (and beautiful face)
With your two eyes (those lake-like, gem-like eyes)
You dig into my heart, you melt me down
I think I’ll go crazy
Gimme one reason oh to hate yo(can’t find a reason)
My heart can’t take anyone but you
The more you bother me, the more I like you
I don’t know the reason
My tastes can’t be helped
With each haughty step you take
A cold wind blows
Your sharp (and beautiful face)
With your two eyes (those lake-like, gem-like eyes)
I can’t spit you out because you’re too sweet, I can’t let you go
I think I’ll go crazier
I’m being dragged again

For U from MyHeart

I Luv u forever 1437

I like you and it’s been a while
All day, I think of you
As I’m walking down the street, listening to music
You suddenly come before my eyes
The movie that my heart is making
Is a special project that only stars you
The title is “My Crush”
And I’m the only audience
Everyone comforts me, tells me to cheer up
But I’m sick of hearing that – I’m not sad
Even if she forever…
Doesn’t know my heart, it’s okay
I just need him to be where I can see him
Just as always, with those charming eyes, gestures, words
She just needs to exist, that’s all I need
I feel like I’m all filled up
From the tickling wind that you brought
I smell something good
I like it like this
My smile draws out one person
Everyone cheers for me, tells me to be brave
They push me, saying that it’s my turn to approach you
Rather than worrying about that, I just want to enjoy this moment
I will climb aboard my hidden confession and ride to the sky up high woo
She doesn’t have to know my heart
I just need him to be where I can see him
Just as always, with those cute eyes, gestures, words
She just needs to exist, that’s all I need
I just need him to be where I can see him
Just as always, with those charming eyes, gestures, words
She just needs to exist, that’s all I need

Beautiful Girl :)


The dark cloud places a piece of shadow in our hearts
I listen respectfully to my mood, which has already been quiet for a long time
Clear and transparent
Just like the beautiful scenery
It's always only clear when seeing it in my memory

Can the heart, that has been thoroughly hurt, still continue to love me?
I make an effort to pull up the pair of hands that have no warmth
The tenderness in the past has already been locked by time
Only leaving sadness that doesn't go away
The maple leaves slowly falling down are like thoughts
I light a candle to warm up the end of autumn
The northern lights plunder the edge of the sky
The northern wind brushes past the expressions of missing you
I take love and burn it into fallen leaves
Yet I can't get back that familiar face

The maple leaves slowly falling down are like thoughts
Why must retrieving be hurried before winter comes?
Loving you passing through time
Two rows of tears from the end of autumn
Let love permeate through the ground
All I want is you to be by my side

The graceful red rain in between the mountainside
Withering with the north wind
I lightly swing the wind chimes
I want
To awaken the love that has been deserted
Snowflakes are already spread all over the ground
Deeply scared that the maple leaves outside the window have already become frozen

Terjemahan Hadits Shahih Muslim (V.1)

Kitab Taubat..

1. Anjuran untuk bertobat dan bergembira dengannya

• Hadis riwayat Abdullah bin Masud ra.:

Ia berkata: Aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah saw. bersabda: Sungguh Allah akan lebih senang menerima tobat hamba-Nya yang beriman daripada seseorang yang berada di tanah tandus yang berbahaya bersama hewan tunggangan yang membawa bekal makanan dan minumannya. Lalu dia tidur kemudian ketika bangun didapati hewan tunggangannya tersebut telah menghilang. Dia pun segera mencarinya sampai merasa dahaga kemudian dia berkata dalam hatinya: Sebaiknya saya kembali ke tempat semula dan tidur di sana sampai saya mati. Lalu dia tidur dengan menyandarkan kepalanya di atas lengan sampai mati. Tetapi ketika ia terbangun didapatinya hewan tunggangannya telah berada di sisinya bersama bekal makanan dan minuman. Allah lebih senang dengan tobat seorang hamba mukmin, daripada orang semacam ini yang menemukan kembali hewan tunggangan dan bekalnya. (Shahih Muslim No.4929)

• Hadis riwayat Anas bin Malik ra., ia berkata:

Rasulullah saw. bersabda: Sungguh Allah akan lebih senang menerima tobat hamba-Nya ketika ia bertobat kepada-Nya daripada (kesenangan) seorang di antara kamu sekalian yang menunggang untanya di tengah padang luas yang sangat tandus, lalu unta itu terlepas membawa lari bekal makanan dan minumannya dan putuslah harapannya untuk memperoleh kembali. Kemudian dia menghampiri sebatang pohon lalu berbaring di bawah keteduhannya karena telah putus asa mendapatkan unta tunggangannya tersebut. Ketika dia dalam keadaan demikian, tiba-tiba ia mendapati untanya telah berdiri di hadapan. Lalu segera ia menarik tali kekang unta itu sambil berucap dalam keadaan sangat gembira: Ya Allah, Engkau adalah hambaku dan aku adalah Tuhan-Mu. Dia salah mengucapkan karena terlampau merasa gembira. (Shahih Muslim No.4932)

Im Officially Missing You, Nurhafizah

This is for u

it all about u

I don't mind your odd behavior
It's the very thing I savor
If you were an ice cream flavor
You would be my favorite one

My imagination sees you
Like a painting by Van Gogh
Starry nights and bright sunflowers
Follow you where you may go

Oh, I´ve loved you from the start
In every single way
And more each passing day
You are brighter than the stars
Believe me when I say
It's not about your scars
It's all about your heart

You´re a butterfly held captive
Small and safe in your cocoon
Go on you can take your time
Time is said to heal all wounds

Oh, I´ve loved you from the start
In every single way
And more each passing day
You are brighter than the stars
Believe me when I say
It's not about your scars
It's all about your heart

Like a lock without a key
Like a mystery without a clue
There is no me if I cannot have you

Oh, I´ve loved you from the start
In every single way
And more each passing day
You are brighter than the stars
Believe me when I say
It's not about your scars
It's all about your heart


Favorite Quote

I'm probably not what I should be; I know I'm not what I could be..I'm definitely not who I want to be, but I know I'm not who I used to be.

About this blog

This about me and her

Hey, That me!

My photo
Diploma in Electronic and Computer Engineering, Love playing Dota2, Rule in Dota2 Supporter and Offlane.

Me And You

Me And You
At first i thought i had no chance with you but now look at us :) I'm still so shocked you picked me (: But maybe.. just maybe.. we were meant to be ILY

Music For You